Sunday Mornings

Sunday School | 10:00 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.

Meets on the 2nd Floor

Children's Church | During Sanctuary Services

We have Children's Church for ages PreK - 3rd grade during our Sanctuary worship at 11. Children are invited to exit with the leader following the Children's Message (or during the first hymn on Communion Sundays).


Nursery Care | During Sanctuary Services

All ages of children are welcome to fully participate in any worship service here. Nursery care is available for children who are in PreK and below. Disposable worship packs with coloring pages, quiet activities and crayons are available for children who remain in worship.

Kids 4 Christ

Sunday Nights | 4:00 - 6:00 pm

Fun & Fellowship through a rotation of games, arts n crafts, cooking, science experiments, music, Bible lessons, and more! Oh! And of course, food. Dont miss the fun!

**Please note - Kids 4 Christ programming is on pause during the summer. Regular programming will begin again in the Fall!